Thursday, April 17, 2008

My human awakenings!!

Hello all of you beautiful people...It's been sometime since I've shared. There has been so much happening and we move pretty quickly. It's taken me sometime to process everything. Each day that I am here I realize how blessed I am to have this opportunity, to learn and grow. I couldn't imagine my life just staying in one place and not experiencing the way other cultures around the world live and interact. Some people go their whole lives without experiencing this beauty. There is such a huge world out their for us to explore and learn about. It makes me want to cry just thinking about how little I've seen or touched. It truly feels like this is the beginning of my journey to live life to the fullest. I used to live vicariously through others, now I can create and choose the life I want for myself.

I've also been challenging my mental and physical abilities. This hasn't been easy, yet it has been necessary. My purpose is not an easy one and I need to be prepared!
No more being lazy and forgetting about what is really going on in the world. It is my problem whether I want to accept it or not. It's all of our problem. If we don't become proactive to make changes in the world...who will? Will we wait around for someonelse to do something about it...You know how that goes...It may never get done.

I've gotten out of my small box of what I thought was my comfortzone...and I will be honest it's hasn't been easy for me...but it has been necessary!

Thank you to everyone who has shared their heart with me. I have never felt so completely connected to humanity and the earth before. I am soooo lucky!

Until my next posting...I love you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you luck on your journey, Afrika. No matter where and through what happenings you have the sorts of broadening experiences you're describing, they are so valuable. Keep living deeply, and growing, and enjoying. I'm enjoying reading about it, so thanks :)